Candidates come to us with differing levels of preparation. In some cases pre and post assessment instruments can be a part of the course and used for assessment. In a speech class, the video tape of the first oral presentation by candidates can be compared with the final oral presentation by candidates. Using the same rubric, the early and final speeches can be assessed to provide a measure of the gains by candidates in the areas targeted by the course.
Where there are multiple sections of a course, the same pre and post performances can be included across the sections and then randomly sampled results can be evaluated based on one rubric. This would provide a good measure of where across the course section there or are not the expected gains in candidate performance.
MDI SA offers a service of creating and designing customized training and development solutions to suit your exclusive needs or those of your organization. No organization is one and the same and each may experience distinct issues that require customized solutions.
We construct a customized proposal based on your organization`s specific requirements. We deliver the training solutions you need, at a location you choose, in a manner that suits you